Friday, December 9, 2011

Can somebody please invent a device to disable cellphone signals inside a car (for safety purposes)?

So that the driver can't use cellphones while driving.For the safety of everybody.|||guns don't kill people,cell phones do.|||What about women drivers?|||i believe thats been invented, its called common sense.problem is everyone just pops the fuse out to disable it.|||There is indeed a device that can "jam" cell phone frequencies.

They are relatively cheap and could be wired into the ignition system so that when the car is turned on so is the device. Be great for kids driving!

Personally I do use my phone while driving, however I have voice command dialing and a wireless bluetooth head set. Press the button and say "call ???????" and it calls them. Someone calls me it announces the callers name (if in my address book) or the just the number if not. I simply press the button 2x to answer and 1x to send their butts to voicemail.

The big issue (personal opinion) is texting while driving, that's just insane! I've also seen people reading papers, puting on makeup, and even using a laptop! That's where the problems really are.

If everyone (i know thats far fetched) had a similar setup as mine and didnt text or do other stupid things like that, I think talking and driving would be ok. Its the distraction of dialing, looking to see whos calling, and things of that nature that's the real problem.

Hopefully cell phone makers will wise up and build some of the technologies into phones. In my case I have a windows mobile phone so I can load 3rd party software onto it which has enabled me to do what I described.|||A device that can disabled cell phone signals has already been invented and is used in some countries in places where cell phones are disruptive, such as churches.

In the United States, it is illegal to operate any device that disables any FCC-licensed communications, including cell phones, anywhere.

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