Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What brand of car is well known for safety features?

Hi, I am trying to do my assignment but many of the websites take a long time to load. What brands of cars are well known for safety features? I am looking at basing one of my studies on Toyota... Thankyou

(If you could include a link to their website, that would be very helpful)|||You should go to the NHTSA web-site. They give crash test reports. One of the best cars for safety is ANY model of Audi. They have led the pack since 1984. Volvo is another "healthy" marque. Happy learning!|||Here is a website you may want to check.


Also the cars that have high safety ratings and the best features would most likely be Toyota, Volvo, and Honda. BMW would also be a brand to explore for safety ratings.|||For the longest time Saab's were hailed as one of the top safest automobiles made. Not sure if they still hold that esteemed position or not.|||60's or 70's Cadillac or El Dorado.

seriously, you can slam head first into a telephone pole at 60mph and WALK away.

I feel VERY sorry for anyone who gets hit by one of those things.

You could LITERALLY run over it with a Tank, and all you will do is have a crushed roof.

Cars back then were built STRONG, and WITHSTOOD the impact.

Cars today are meant to ABSORB the impact....which means they literally are designed to FOLD and HOPE that the wrinkles in the car dont crush YOU.

Only cars I will drive made today are large pick-up trucks and SUV's that are solid.

And crown vics and cadillacs.

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