Friday, December 2, 2011

How These Car Safety Features Help To Reduce The Force Of Impact During A Collision?

How These Car Safety Features Help To Reduce The Force Of Impact During A Collision


-Seat Belts

-Crumple Zone


-Crash Helmet

I Only Need Key Information That Will Help Me Understand

Thank You|||the first four actually serve the same purpose from the physics standpoint:

They increase the time it takes to stop you, that means they decrease the acceleration and therefore, the force--this way you don't get hit with the same force of a car at 60mph you increase the time it takes to stop a person as opposed to letting for example, the dashboard, stop you almost instantly, you actually aren't being hit as hard

crash helmets operate on some similar principals (that's why they are padded) but also, they can absorb the shock or impulse of a blow to the head since a cracked skull is a much bigger deal than a broken rib from the seatbelt|||Time. They all spread out the time during which an impact takes place.

In a crash you have a fixed amount of momentum that you are going to lose. If you lose it in a short time, large forces must operate. That will break bits of you. If the time taken to lose the momentum is longer then smaller forces are needed and you might survive, with just bruising.

Just in case you are interested - the best safety device ever thought of is a steel spike mounted on the steering wheel, sticking out towards the drivers chest. Knowing and being able to see that a crash will kill you, leads to remarkable safely records. All those others actually increase crashes by encouraging risk taking.

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